
All other photos and video

slow speeds at base

May 14 2021: Really...under construction. Only decided a few days ago to share a bit of this. Scrappy.... mess, to be fixed. One day.

A fair bit of film was taken by one or other of us over the last six months. Though the rule is that when the camera comes out it is only after youngsters have been given very fullest full attention and eased into their newfound passion. Because of course even in our gatheration there was a background of national angst. So they were first...always. Their souls. Make sure the lasses were at ease. And that takes time. Lots of it. With  the friggin phone

10 Nov 2020

21 nov 2020





Click on photos and they enlarge, or should, if this tech

and then a LOT happened to get us to happiest day for many a year

(I NEVER WEAR NEON....! ...but fashions change for them I suppose)

18 Feb 2021

"Hey old's so picturesque up here ....[on my ma's land]..."

How on earth did she know one of my very  favourite words? 

Never mind how to make someone really smile, at the start of each canter:

"c'mon old man...RACE YER!!!!!!"

1000 photos could not capture the energy of that day
Nor film

Nor how wrong one could be:
"I'll accompany them a maybe half an hour and probably get bored.. you know how all this nag malarkey doesn't really do it for me...... prob will turn back let them off doing their thing.."



October to March 

a very special day - first time off:

two new real friends on a job is just so much nicer...

and then there were three.

my new fiend, funny thing there was a war with his ma'... that passed so quickly when there are more important things

And then .... her too! This one is the most poignant of all. Maybe one day t'will be told.

SO, now we have a ship to get shapely, the 'tack room' will be perfectly ship shape too - they deserve only the best our lasses

and sorting out the gateposts; never mind figuring where the frig they are in respect of the folk...

all ship shape and efficient now

Oh what a lovely image:


refurbish time!

and do it ALL propper...

One heartfelt purpose as the kids didn't have the other school was a bit of real schooling: pass on some good rural homespun rural skills (and environmental too, as rebuilding some gateposts properly means that use of resources is reduced in that shoddy work needs earlier replacement). 

Now.... our lasses  - the true stars of the show.... need it done properly, they deserve it.

All March 2021...yes we have sunny times even early spring so get out in it! And more important  - light footprint wise, plan jobs with the weather - i.e. prior creosote and restoration of an old trailer it needs a week or so truly drying out so the creosote penetrates much further and this the job lasts longer.  Ditto other woodwwork. We get plenty of sunshine in uk if you plan to it.


for all their fancy newfangled tools, still fifty years on, that little tin of easing fluid still the same. 

All posts recycled, repaired, reused, scavenged ...illegal creosote was some left over from many years ago.  But you gotta plan it around dry sunny weather ! ... dry the wood first ... ... and we had six weeks of it already prior to April. 

Lots more film but the writer lives in a place thank god rather a long way away from much humanity, however the downside is 1/2 mb a second only upload..... those below took all night just for one!

A solution will be found soon.

and be clear there is no renovation here for either any adult horsey folk, nor the dreadful gentrification and 'enhancing' of property values.... this land and space already years ago passed on.... to an absent next generation, we are just using it for our local next generation. And no one has any money for anything.

Our Mistress is world champion at keeping nags ticking over healthily on the cheap, and her main slave is world champion at.....fixing....on the cheap, but "properly!" (oh how they hate my regular use of that word, well tough titties cos who knows... these lasses may keep this ship shapely, and the new purpose, our Mistress tottering about too,  for years to come... and thus plan for...that)



The best sight that 
was unimaginable even six months ago.


more almost random mess of imagery - to be sorted out later:

Just on gig training day... 10 May and on.



bit quicker than sticking on youtube

12 May 2021

But what is actually important:

The IGRC is only for one reason, to pass down to the younger generations the  simply superb rural wisdom of a certain cantankerous ageing horsewoman. Who as it happens was about to send her beasts off to glue, or at the very least retirement, last September. Living entirely alone, and alone all day, she could no longer cope she said. And had real maudlin.  But...i think we cured that.... 

This nag had only had three training sessions with her. And the five adults gathered to watch lift off were simply awestruck. That is the real version of 'awesome', not the fey one that you hear from the mouths of the voluble attention seekers a little too  often perhaps. To appease and train this nag in such a short period of time - only a week at it, which is in fact here with us as an extra to the two original beasts - doing the owner a favour,  and is a far more frisky beast than our original pair, takes true skill.

And two of our young lasses stood next to me seeing for themselves how a Master, or is it Mistress? - one gets rather confused these days as to what is 'allowed', who masters her craft, can weave magical spells  - the real versions not some fantasy Potter nonsense.  

"well... you have shocked even me how... perfectly seemed to have been born to it.."


The Speed Queen.

(this took only three training sessions - she is a true Master or Mistress or whatever the nowadays nomenclature is... )

But then what our lasses also saw, now and again, and this day - first day of the gig on the road, was something else maybe just as important: six adults have been in our loose gatheration in one iteration or other; none except two had met before. All gathered a little Pied Piperish by a certain cycling chap. And there are natural frictions that have occasionally  - with that angsty societal backdrop, bubbled. But they see us never ever taking any mere human emotion so seriously that the next day the real smiles are not there once more. That is what 'animal welfare' actually requires: no human ego. Never taking frictions to heart. Every day a new day.  Had we not kept these beasts exercised they would have deteriorated beyond adequate health as their age is such that they do need four or five hacks a week just to keep shipshape and all systems go.

Now, who's gonna get married and head off into the sunset for nuptials in that gig I wonder...another daft plan?