
Oh ...and some actual science


Oh ...and some actual science


1.       Ultraviolet enhances the immune system and we do not yet even partly understand how that actual fact comes about. They managed to figure that one long long time ago see the bit where it all having not gone so well in 1939 as she's giving up the ghost to become one as a last resort they cart her out into the....sunshine....

(I((IN THE SCENE BEFORE THIS WHEN ALL ELSE HAS FAILED AT HER NURSING HOME...must find it...can't find it....1939 there she is absolutely expiring all that 'ohh woe is me'...on her last legs can't even wobble on them, all the leeches and wonky drugs have failed so they wheel her out into full sunshine in her bath chair.... that's common sense)

it often works.... maybe not for all ailments.

2.       Even better, in 2020 a meta study was released whereby it was ascertain for a FACT that especially when you are a little older, LOADS of exercise – definition many a mile under own steam per week, energises t-cell activity in a phenomenal way  such that it is measurable even by a 3 year old, yet we have no idea how it happens. But it happens. And t-cells kill all sorts of baddies. 

3.       Any scientist knows it takes many years of randomised double blind research to understand any new pathogen. (and perversions of statistics that have always occurred will always occur as long as there was and will be science which Lewontin so beautifully described in Doctrine of DNA).

4.       And 24 years ago in this magnificent REAL science opus by a real scientist, a certain x factor was established, that no one can sum up as we still cannot understand it, but it provisionally could be, assuming witches are a figment of imagination, that there is something in the human SPIRIT, that interacts with the human biochemical systems. Spirit actually does affect medical outcomes. A fair bit! Bloody good spirit of course....

 on my desk. Still.
I don't lie.

oh yes and back to item 1... bad sleep terrible drain on natural immunity and other such systems. Don't read this at night, or you will kill yourself - because it will be 'you' and not some maybe bug....and even better, science states that be outdoors at 10m ish and it sets your body clock, daily....
NO MATTER WHAT is going on in your head...that's all unreal, photon triggered body clock resetting mid morning  so that you nod off at the naturally prescribed time of bedtime, and get a jolly good 7 or 8 hours ...  is ...real...
and a jolly good 7 or 8 hours is even more a key 
to natural immunity.