
The story

 A simple, child friendly, totally anonymized, version of the story will appear soon. 

And i don't ever ever share anything on social media, or if i do the rare occasions i use it, it is only  with someone from elsewhere whom i trust to keep things to themselves. 

Sadly our region is so ignorant and the gossip stupid and cruel at times.  And thus this is kept away from any of those fools....  

It is only a healthy story.

But a less healthy story also is there in the background - around and about for some years: more of words than anything else.

In simplest terms and anyway NOTHING can take away from how a ragtag band gradually put aside ego, wariness, and succeeded in becoming fairly cohesive. Allies. What a lovely word.

And the short version of the less healthier background is how for many years a range of usually fairly well off (though they often lie about this - play the bohemian homespun for effect, and craft beers) incomers who endlessly talk of countryside and also the environment cannot understand that you have to battle through ego to actually work together effectively. Always...medium term which means of course there will be foootstampy phases... you work through. Which takes time - they never have to spare, never mind think twice at the nuance of words used.... 

And it is also the complete inability of many to appreciate language is a tool to build bridges. But no it ain't all Guardian....  one needs to bond through rude jokes - though never in front of the children! Provocative words that are invitation behind initial effect. 

And above all not taking everything literally..... rural people especially the farmers nowadays are often lonely  - may playfully use provocative language to somehow break through contrived over politeness. That has always been their way.  The land is a place of shit and smell and blood when you cut yourself on some protruding fence wire. You develop a gallows sense of humour. And many true rural folk are quite cheeky in their word play. It's how they develop trust.

 But no.... an elderly wealthy  landowner used the 'w' word to me the other day.... he decries the 'woke'. But that's just a recent artifice as is 'culture wars'. The real 'battle' is in fact out here: one cannot keep small scale rural things going without genuine mucking in together no matter what one feels about the 'other' - that's the other working alongside. And all this word policing sure has made it far far harder. Never mind assumption from brief encounter.

Assuming, taking things literally.... getting up on yer high horse, when all small scale rural project require hanging out together no matter what..... no matter what. Axe murdering aside.... "animals first"  my own oft stated dictat means NO MATTER what rumpuses are ongoing between any humans be they bubbling into the open or deep down inside... animals cannot feed, water, and exercise themselves in the case of ageing nags that so need it, so put aside those feelings... grudges, resentments and try to laugh them off.....and fuckit how we succeeded...bloody miracle....

A Masterclass....

The end of summer party is gonna be  a ball! But then that is a real secret....if they tell, let one word slip..... to quote Malala the greatest  rhetorician for decades and greatest spirit ever in modern humanity ... "it may be my business in the outside world and what i am known for..... but when it comes to my brothers,.....there aint no human rights.... in MY house..." 


The scribbler here is a somewhat literary person. Part time. The other part of the time very very sweaty and dirty fingernailed - choppin' wood, walking hills. 

This is NOT a site or sketch for a story or two, for horsey folk. Thus stuff is deep! I like deep.

As the autumn of 2020 set in there developed two 'versions' in the head of said scribbler. 

Meaning for now there is the certainly sublime and wonderful. Success. Success can only be defined in terms of lasses wanting more.  That isn't deep it's the exact opposite - what should always be! But i know few who make it so!

And part of that is one extraordinary woman - different from all the rest, but she is none of my business.  And a couple of others who have perhaps evolved a little.

But no one in my locality interests me enough such that i care .... this is just 'universal' and for the youngsters.  That sounds droll... oh no it aint!  There are such wonderful tales to tell. But no one should even be identified - it's just not appropriate because it is as if so much was metaphorical and figurative. 

 We are just a force of nature. As others fretted about another less good force of nature. I know we did the right thing.

But there is another 'version'. You could say it ended middle of May - 17th to be exact. Because there was one person i really cared about. Because there was one adult who in fact could really be assisted to evolve. Because some of our women are truly great ''examples'.

For the last six months there has been a little paid work available here assisting with some other renovations. That does not take away from the philosophy of completely free - favour for a favour. Quid pro Quo. Some work connected to the house long outstanding and easy enough, rather than get in some expensive tradesperson can be done in house. But a right hand needed occasionally. planks to raise up into a roofspace etc..

But 'work' is just a token term, shorthand for come and spend time with us we all much in sometimes and it works.... rain or snow... we are there getting the lasses out.

I first met this young person nearly a decade ago. It was well known she had terrible problems. Even round here many are lost to the nasty stuff. I know why she was in that mess. I worked at times for the cause of her mess.  I saw very very up close the dysfunction.

But moving forward half a decade one day the same younger woman - well late 20s now, was clearly recovered. She said so.  I once saw something though that said to me, "not quite yet..."

And then a few years later i had need for a confirmed 100%  puritain. TO help another who wasn't. Said woman now early 30s was contacted and she was so up for it and so intelligent in chats. 

Fast forward a year ago. She tells me she hates her factory girl work. So she is offered other. Which evolved into here. But here is as stated for great examples. To just put the icing on the cake for maybe one or two like her.

These younger folk are not terribly good at answering their email or even text.  The first handwritten letter nine months ago received joyous immediate response. But that was before there was anything real to let her be part of. 

The second -  all digital a weird disaster, she alone gets fountain penned notes, now there is so much that is impossibly real for her to be a part of, and earn some pennies, and do exactly what so many times she had told me she wished, to work with animals, i do get a text.

From the cause of her problems. Advising me she - that cause,  is dying. And needs care.... from the one who must live on. Ehhhh..... 

What a a symbolic earthquake ....(there is 'history') . but i do care about her so much i could never cause her any kind of emotion, why so much of this was for her too, that we could all work with her to get her out...doors...and out of that awful past.....

But no..... the cause, she must have the last word.  And that is modern Britain for so so many.   Why so many remain so so ill.....